
58 (プレス加工)絞りバーリング内側のヒケ防止 58 Preventing dent occurs on the inside of the barring after deep drawing

58 絞りバーリング内側の引け防止.pdf

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プレス加工で筒状の製品を作る場合、絞り加工をした後、穴抜きしてバーリングで加工することがあります。①通常のバーリングでは要求される高さが出せないとき、②先端の平坦幅を確保したいとき にこの方法を使います。
When processing cylindrical products by press working, the bottom hole may be punched out after deep drawing, followed by burring. This method is used when (1) the required height cannot be achieved by normal burring or (2) a flat width at the tip is required.
However, this method sometimes results in a dent on the inside of the burring surface, which deviates from the product requirements. In this report, I have explained the causes of this inner dent and how to prevent it from occurring.

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