
43 絞り品のコーナーRを小さくする方法(1)43 (Press work) How to reduce the corner radius of deep-drawn parts

43 絞り品のコーナーRを小さくする方法(1).pdf

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旋盤で削り出して作る円筒部品のようにエッジが立った絞り部品を作ることができれば、もっと多くの用途が開けますが ふつうは板厚以上のRが付いてしまいなかなかうまくいきません。
この 絞り品のコーナーRを小さくする初歩的な方法の説明資料です。
If it were possible to make deep-drawn parts with sharp edges like the cylindrical parts made by lathe turning, deep-drawing would have many more applications, but it doesn't work very well because the radius is usually larger than the material thickness. In this article, I will explain a rudimentary method for reducing the corner radius of deep-drawn parts.
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